Sunday, January 22, 2006

Someone learning teaching.../ Seseorang belajar mengajar...

Someone learning teaching...

The comparator, shown like a large C, compares present
state and Goal state, and the plan con(v)erts this
information into appropriate action by directing the
energies of the operators, acting on the operand, in
such a way as to take the operand to the Goal state.

G (Goal)

Seseorang belajar mengajar...

Neraca, ditunjukkan ianya di sini seperti C,
membandingkan mukim kini dan mukim Matlamat, dan
seyogia rencana mengola(h) maklumat ini menjadi
tindakan yang cocok dengan tertuntunnya tenaga-tenaga
pada pementas-pementas, yang bertindak membawa
pentasan, sebagaimana resminya, moga-moga dengan cara
ini pentasan itu pun sampai ke mukim Matlamat.

M (Matlamat)

In the last paragraph of Section 14.3:

The teacher likewise has a delta-two system
(sistem delta-dua) by which, in the present
universe of discourse, he learns to teach.

In Section 14.5:

Learning to teach at a professional level

(a) acquiring the models described in requirements
(i) and (ii), in an explicit form which is accessible to reflection;
At the beginning of the same section:
On the side of the teacher, the requirements
for this last process ((iv) Intelligent teaching directed towards
intelligent learning by the learner.) fall into two main
(i) A theoretical model of all the processes
of human learning. Particularly, of course, of
intelligent learning (pembelajaran sebudi
akal); but he also needs to know about
more primitive modes of learning. These
are not described in this book (Intelligence,
Learning, and Action), and are only
referred to at all under the collective
description 'sub-intelligent learning'.
Without knowledge of the whole spectrum of
human learning however, a teacher will not
know when intelligent learning needs the
support of more primitive kinds, or when
it is being inappropriately replaced by
more primitive kinds. Also, he will be unaware
of, and so unable to deal appropriately
with, whatever meta-learning takes place.
(ii) A theoretical model of the processes by
which he can interact with the delta-two
system of the learner, for the co-operative
activity of taking the learner's delta-one
systems to states of better functioning.

(b) consciously applying these to the particular
subject matter which he wants to help the
the learner to learn;
(c) developing a repertoire of routine plans by
which his conscious attention can be largely
freed to deal with the succession of non-
routine situations which are almost inevitable
during a teaching and learning situation,
these plans still remaining integrated within an
overall schema based on (a) and (b);
(d) regularly reflecting on his own activities as
a teacher, so that he learns intelligently from
his experience by continuing to assimilate
these to an expanding schema;
(e) in addition to the foregoing, if he is a
professional teacher within a teaching
institution such as a school (say, Sekolah
Agama Rakyat), it is very desirable that he
has a model of his role as a teacher which
matches reasonably well with those of his
pupils and of his colleagues. And if, as is
all too likely, this condition cannot be met, then a grasp of
the application of Chapter 13 to his situation
vis-a-vis his pupils will at least help him
towards understanding what is going wrong.


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