Friday, December 09, 2005

Try substituting "parents" in place of "teachers": What comes next?

Try substituting "parents" in place of "teachers": What comes next?

15.16 In a discussion of the present chapter with a group of
experienced teachers, one of them said: 'This speaks directly to me
as a teacher. This is how it is.' On this there was general
agreement. ...
... The present book -- Intelligence, Learning, and Action --
provides a theoretical basis for the kind of changes which need to
be made; but the working out of these in detail, and the bringing of them into effect, will require the co-operative effort of a group of people bringing to bear a variety of experience and expertise.
There are, nevertheless, a number of implications of the new
model which can be derived immediately. One consequence of reading this book, and particularly Chapter 14 and this chapter, is that a teacher construes events in the classroom differently. He realizes more clearly what is going on, and even if he cannot yet do much to change it, this will still make a great difference to the effect on his self-image -- to survival in his inner reality. And until people realize situations within an appropriate model, they have not taken the first step towards successful action.
Another benefit of having an appropriate theory is that it
enables a person to penetrate noise, in the technical sense. He can see through a confusion of detail to identify whatever underlie
these events, and is thus able to recognize and deal with causes
rather than effects. This is one of the marks of an expert. He does not just react to events as he is overtaken by them, but he is ahead of events in his own thinking, and is thus much better able to control them.
Given that an increasing number of voices are calling for change, a united educational theory will enable these as individuals to perceive more clearly, and perhaps begin to agree, what changes are required and how to bring them about. And one thing the present model emphasizes is that untilteachers are using a shared conceptual structure, they will not be able to co-operate with any measure of success. At present the efforts of individuals do not combine in a positive-sum relationship, and each classroom teacher fights a lonely battle. A shared conceptual structure is also

4-pantun --

Dicetak di situ di tengah rajah
Pita disingkap -- tatu udara
Bertindak persatu ketengah natijah
Kita bercakap satu suara

needed so that teachers (parents) can speak with one professional
voice to politicians (local and national), administrators, and the
many who consider themselves as experts on education.
It is towards this state of affairs that the present model is
offered as a contribution -- towards provision of the missing
foundations, rather than efforts to shore up a shaky edifice. And to the question, fairly asked, 'Which spanner do I apply where?', it offers the answer: 'In your job, instrumental understanding
(pengertian bunyi-bunyian) is not enough; so even if I knew the
answer I would be reluctant to give it to you. Relational
understanding (pengertian bertali-temali) is what I (Richard R.
Skemp) am offering, and with the help of this you can become master of your profession.'


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