Friday, December 16, 2005
... Some of the properties of schemas/ gagasan-gagasan will be discussed in Chapters 10 and 11, InsyaA L-lah. -- p. 114 Skemp's "Intelligence, Learning, and Action"
Pantun 4 kerat (yang dimuatkan di sebelah atas blog):
Bersulam kemas sejagat gagasan
Terpahat mutiara pembicara era
Di dalam "Masyarakat Insan"
Lihat "Tentera-tentera udara"
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Dikupas kenangan ketika bertemu
Rombongan empat khatib bermunajat
Terlepas dengan "Rangka Ilmu"
Kongkongan berabad Tertib Abjad
Rombongan empat khatib bermunajat
Terlepas dengan "Rangka Ilmu"
Kongkongan berabad Tertib Abjad
Friday, December 09, 2005
Try substituting "parents" in place of "teachers": What comes next?
Try substituting "parents" in place of "teachers": What comes next?
15.16 In a discussion of the present chapter with a group of
experienced teachers, one of them said: 'This speaks directly to me
as a teacher. This is how it is.' On this there was general
agreement. ...
... The present book -- Intelligence, Learning, and Action --
provides a theoretical basis for the kind of changes which need to
be made; but the working out of these in detail, and the bringing of them into effect, will require the co-operative effort of a group of people bringing to bear a variety of experience and expertise.
There are, nevertheless, a number of implications of the new
model which can be derived immediately. One consequence of reading this book, and particularly Chapter 14 and this chapter, is that a teacher construes events in the classroom differently. He realizes more clearly what is going on, and even if he cannot yet do much to change it, this will still make a great difference to the effect on his self-image -- to survival in his inner reality. And until people realize situations within an appropriate model, they have not taken the first step towards successful action.
Another benefit of having an appropriate theory is that it
enables a person to penetrate noise, in the technical sense. He can see through a confusion of detail to identify whatever underlie
these events, and is thus able to recognize and deal with causes
rather than effects. This is one of the marks of an expert. He does not just react to events as he is overtaken by them, but he is ahead of events in his own thinking, and is thus much better able to control them.
Given that an increasing number of voices are calling for change, a united educational theory will enable these as individuals to perceive more clearly, and perhaps begin to agree, what changes are required and how to bring them about. And one thing the present model emphasizes is that untilteachers are using a shared conceptual structure, they will not be able to co-operate with any measure of success. At present the efforts of individuals do not combine in a positive-sum relationship, and each classroom teacher fights a lonely battle. A shared conceptual structure is also
needed so that teachers (parents) can speak with one professional
voice to politicians (local and national), administrators, and the
many who consider themselves as experts on education.
It is towards this state of affairs that the present model is
offered as a contribution -- towards provision of the missing
foundations, rather than efforts to shore up a shaky edifice. And to the question, fairly asked, 'Which spanner do I apply where?', it offers the answer: 'In your job, instrumental understanding
(pengertian bunyi-bunyian) is not enough; so even if I knew the
answer I would be reluctant to give it to you. Relational
understanding (pengertian bertali-temali) is what I (Richard R.
Skemp) am offering, and with the help of this you can become master of your profession.'
15.16 In a discussion of the present chapter with a group of
experienced teachers, one of them said: 'This speaks directly to me
as a teacher. This is how it is.' On this there was general
agreement. ...
... The present book -- Intelligence, Learning, and Action --
provides a theoretical basis for the kind of changes which need to
be made; but the working out of these in detail, and the bringing of them into effect, will require the co-operative effort of a group of people bringing to bear a variety of experience and expertise.
There are, nevertheless, a number of implications of the new
model which can be derived immediately. One consequence of reading this book, and particularly Chapter 14 and this chapter, is that a teacher construes events in the classroom differently. He realizes more clearly what is going on, and even if he cannot yet do much to change it, this will still make a great difference to the effect on his self-image -- to survival in his inner reality. And until people realize situations within an appropriate model, they have not taken the first step towards successful action.
Another benefit of having an appropriate theory is that it
enables a person to penetrate noise, in the technical sense. He can see through a confusion of detail to identify whatever underlie
these events, and is thus able to recognize and deal with causes
rather than effects. This is one of the marks of an expert. He does not just react to events as he is overtaken by them, but he is ahead of events in his own thinking, and is thus much better able to control them.
Given that an increasing number of voices are calling for change, a united educational theory will enable these as individuals to perceive more clearly, and perhaps begin to agree, what changes are required and how to bring them about. And one thing the present model emphasizes is that untilteachers are using a shared conceptual structure, they will not be able to co-operate with any measure of success. At present the efforts of individuals do not combine in a positive-sum relationship, and each classroom teacher fights a lonely battle. A shared conceptual structure is also
4-pantun --
Dicetak di situ di tengah rajah
Pita disingkap -- tatu udara
Bertindak persatu ketengah natijah
Kita bercakap satu suara
needed so that teachers (parents) can speak with one professional
voice to politicians (local and national), administrators, and the
many who consider themselves as experts on education.
It is towards this state of affairs that the present model is
offered as a contribution -- towards provision of the missing
foundations, rather than efforts to shore up a shaky edifice. And to the question, fairly asked, 'Which spanner do I apply where?', it offers the answer: 'In your job, instrumental understanding
(pengertian bunyi-bunyian) is not enough; so even if I knew the
answer I would be reluctant to give it to you. Relational
understanding (pengertian bertali-temali) is what I (Richard R.
Skemp) am offering, and with the help of this you can become master of your profession.'
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Education in Malaysia -- a member-country of the OIC -- is an ongoing effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God.
It is He who has appointed for you the stars, that
by them you might be guided in
the shadows of land and sea.
We have distinguished the signs for a people who know. -- Surah VI, A l-An'am; verse 97
Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large. -- Akta Pendidikan/ Education Act 1996 page 54
Pendidikan di Malaysia -- sebuah negara anggota OIC ( Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam) --adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah lebih memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani, berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan.
Wa Huwa l-laZi Ja'alala kumu n-nujuma litahtadu biha fi zulumati l-barri wa l-baHri; qad faSSalna l-ayati li qaumi ya'lamuun. -- S. VI, A l-An'am; A.97
Intelligence, Learning, and Action p. 250 - a Richard R. Skemp's work:
Institutionalising "the family "
The parent (mother/ father) likewise has a delta-one director system whose function is to teach/ parent the child, whose operand is delta-one within the child, and whose goal state (( G) ) is a certain state of ability to function of the latter. Also within the parent is a delta-two system by which, in the present universe of discourse, s/ he learns to teach/ parenting.
Menginstitusikan "keluarga"
[Ibu/ bapa pun mempunyai suatu sistem penuntun delta satu yang berfungsi mengajar/ mengasuh anak, yang pentasannya ialah delta satu di dalam diri anak, dan yang mukim matlamatnya (( M) ialah mukim tertentu kebolehan anak tadi berfungsi. Juga di dalam diri ibu/ bapa ialah suatu sistem delta dua yang dengannya, di dalam semesta perbincangan sekarang, ia belajar mengajar/ mengasuh.]
It is He who has appointed for you the stars, that
by them you might be guided in
the shadows of land and sea.
We have distinguished the signs for a people who know. -- Surah VI, A l-An'am; verse 97
Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large. -- Akta Pendidikan/ Education Act 1996 page 54
Pendidikan di Malaysia -- sebuah negara anggota OIC ( Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam) --adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah lebih memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani, berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan.
Wa Huwa l-laZi Ja'alala kumu n-nujuma litahtadu biha fi zulumati l-barri wa l-baHri; qad faSSalna l-ayati li qaumi ya'lamuun. -- S. VI, A l-An'am; A.97
Usaha ini adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan warganegara Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketrampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberikan sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. -- Akta Pendidikan/ Education Act 1996 halaman 1
Intelligence, Learning, and Action p. 250 - a Richard R. Skemp's work:
Institutionalising "the family "
The parent (mother/ father) likewise has a delta-one director system whose function is to teach/ parent the child, whose operand is delta-one within the child, and whose goal state (( G) ) is a certain state of ability to function of the latter. Also within the parent is a delta-two system by which, in the present universe of discourse, s/ he learns to teach/ parenting.
Menginstitusikan "keluarga"
[Ibu/ bapa pun mempunyai suatu sistem penuntun delta satu yang berfungsi mengajar/ mengasuh anak, yang pentasannya ialah delta satu di dalam diri anak, dan yang mukim matlamatnya (( M) ialah mukim tertentu kebolehan anak tadi berfungsi. Juga di dalam diri ibu/ bapa ialah suatu sistem delta dua yang dengannya, di dalam semesta perbincangan sekarang, ia belajar mengajar/ mengasuh.]
Kaedah Ikatan Pantun ZA'aBA: Beberapa rangkap 4-pantun diikat
Memilih dituntun banyak faedah
Tersedia jejak tidak seorang
Mengikat pantun diikut kaedah
Tersurat sejak Sebelum Perang
Mari disukat beras di sini
Sehingga tibalah giliran melukut
Tatkala diikat pantun ini
Kaedah ZA'aBA-lah yang diikut
Meredah hutan paya rimba
Sentiasa bersama pantang bercerai
Kaedah Ikatan Pantun ZA'aBA
Nombor 5 di dalam senarai
Susut seruntun pulih segera
Seru ke dusun di layar saran
Maksud pantun pilih tera
Baru susun siar sampiran
Tak susut seruntun selain di pekan
Tetamu diangkut meredah rimba
Maksud pantun tak lain tak bukan
Pertemu pengikut kaedah ZA'aBA
Di sana wujud seindah taman
Menurut berita diutus penyajak
Marilah bersujud wahai teman
Di bumi nyata tempat berpijak
Tersedia jejak tidak seorang
Mengikat pantun diikut kaedah
Tersurat sejak Sebelum Perang
Mari disukat beras di sini
Sehingga tibalah giliran melukut
Tatkala diikat pantun ini
Kaedah ZA'aBA-lah yang diikut
Meredah hutan paya rimba
Sentiasa bersama pantang bercerai
Kaedah Ikatan Pantun ZA'aBA
Nombor 5 di dalam senarai
Susut seruntun pulih segera
Seru ke dusun di layar saran
Maksud pantun pilih tera
Baru susun siar sampiran
Tak susut seruntun selain di pekan
Tetamu diangkut meredah rimba
Maksud pantun tak lain tak bukan
Pertemu pengikut kaedah ZA'aBA
Di sana wujud seindah taman
Menurut berita diutus penyajak
Marilah bersujud wahai teman
Di bumi nyata tempat berpijak
Isi kandungan/ Contents
Pantun enam kerat serangkap ini:Enak berjemur lama di luarBerkelah di feri sesinya dirakamKe taman bersama daku dan diaAnak berumur lima ditawarMakalah Jauhari isinya manikamDi halaman 5 PROPAEDIAENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 15th EditionTHE CIRCLE OF LEARNING ................................................................................................ pages 5 - 8Contents Part Five. Human Society .................................................................................. pages 11 - 12Division VI. Education ............................................................................................................. page 215Section 561. The Aims and Organization of EducationA. Philosophies of EducationPhilosophies of the Branches of Knowledge MACROPAEDIA Vol. 29 ......................... pages 725 - 729, 732(Encyclopaedia Britannica 1981 belian Aruah Tok Ayah Education, Philosophy of MACROPAEDIA VOL. 6 PAGE 408)Philosophy of Education (an encyclopaedic article contributed by Paul Nash)The philosophy of education has a special concern with the applications of knowledge and theories. Thus, many philosophers of education are especially interested in the relationship between theory and practice. Moreover, they are often concerned with the ways in which philosophy relates to other fields of study in the attempt to shed light on educational problems and issues. This gives them a wide-angled approach to education, which some philosophers have called " educational theory" to distinguish it from a more narrowly analytical form of philosophy of education.Intelligence, Learning, and Action (Richard R. Skemp)CHAPTER 13 Roles ............................................................................................................... page 232CHAPTER 14 The Teacher-learner Relationship ........................................................................ page 247Unfortunately, as Wilson (1975) has convincingly argued, there is no central discipline or theory of education; and as a result, children do suffer. ...CHAPTER 15 Schooling and Education ................................................................................... page 265... In most countries of the world, including the UK, other European countries, Scandinavia, the USA, Russia, China, school attendance is compulsory for children between certain ages, starting in the UK at 5 and continuing until 16. ...Fouga Magister CM.170 FiAF FM-43/G (the English Language) opposite page 271Fouga Magister CM.170 FiAF FM-82/M (Bahasa Melayu) (a dead link now)CHAPTER 16 Beyond Survival ................................................................................................. page 287
Di sini peria hakim di sana
Di Padang di Singgora bersua
Begini deria mukim* dibina
Dan sedang disenggara jua
* -- deria mukim sistem penuntun (state sensor of the director system)
Di Padang di Singgora bersua
Begini deria mukim* dibina
Dan sedang disenggara jua
* -- deria mukim sistem penuntun (state sensor of the director system)
Ke taman bersama daku dan dia
Berkelah di feri sesinya dirakam
Di halaman 5 Propaedia
Makalah Jauhari isinya manikam
the four-director-system model/ tolok empat sistem penuntun
Intelligent teaching and learning
Intelligence, Learning, and Action Section 14.3 - a Richard R. Skemp's work
One can begin to realize the complexity of the interactions by noting that at least four director systems (sistem-sistem penuntun ) are involved, two in the learner, and two in the teacher. There is the teachable delta-one director system of the learner, and his own delta-two director system by which learning takes place. Part of the task of the teacher is to collaborate with the learner's delta-two: not to try to replace it, not to confuse or disrupt it by the wrong kind of intervention. Part of the task of the student is to make use of the help made available by the teacher, and this itself may need to be learnt. The teacher likewise has a delta-one director system whose function is to teach the student, whose operand ( pentasan) is delta-one within the student, and whose goal state (mukim matlamat) is a certain state of ability to function of the latter. Also within the teacher is a delta-two system by which, in the present universe of discourse ( semesta perbincangan), he learns to teach. We need, moreover, to remind ourselves that what for simplicity we think of as a single director system is usually a complex of director systems behaving as a unity ( in the same kind of way as the navigating officer, helmsman, and power steering of a ship function as a unity to direct the course of a ship along a chosen path ). So even the four-director-system model (tolok empat sistem penuntun) just outlined is a considerable simplification. But this, we recall, is one of the features of a model: to reduce the complexity of what goes on enough to make it possible to think about.
Intelligence, Learning, and Action Section 14.3 - a Richard R. Skemp's work
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Teacher-Learner Relationship
The Problem
14.1 The number of those who believe that all is not well with our
educational institutions has lately increased from a few lonely
pioneers such as Rousseau, Dewey, Neill, Holt, and Goodman, to a
chorus including (at the time of writing) the British Prime Minister
and the Secretary of State for Education and Science. Not so long
ago, critics of compulsory schooling were regarded as a lunatic
fringe. Now, a senior university teacher of education (Richmond,
1975) can truthfully write that 'some of the best minds in the
business now share a sense of profound disillusion with the
established system of education and all it stands for'. Both the
former and the latter groups alike quote Einstein:
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern
methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy
curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from
stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it
goes to wrack and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake
to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be
promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty. To the
contrary, I believe that it would be possible to rob even a
healthy beast of its voraciousness, if it were possible, with
the aid of a whip, to force the beast to devour continuously,
even when not hungry, especially if the food handed out under
such coercion were to be selected accordingly.
Side by side with these criticisms of educational institutions,
there continues a firm belief in the value of education in itself,
both to individuals and to the community. This view is also implicit
in most of the present volume, from Chapter 1 onwards ( e.g. Sections
1.11 and 1.12); and especially at the end of Section 10.3:
We can now see how a positive-sum system of relationship of great
value can develop within a community where there is a suitable
balance between the achievement of completely new understanding
the hard way by particular individuals; the building up of
knowledge by learning from those who already know; the exchange
of expertise in many ways; and the raising of our overall level
of general knowledge. These processes together provide a
collective level and extent of knowledge, and thereby potential
for understanding, which is one of the major differences between
advanced and primitive cultures.
So what is wrong, and why? Where lies the discrepancy between
education as we strongly (though perhaps rather vaguely) it should
be, and education (or what goes under that name) as it is? And why?
To the question 'What is wrong?', two answers can be given in
brief. Firstly, the teaching itself is often inefficient. There are
still children who reach secondary schools unable to read, despite
six years of instruction in primary schools. And the teaching of
mathematics is such that many -- probably a majority -- acquire a
lifelong dislike for the subject, together with lack of confidence in
their ability to understand it. These are two of the most important
subject areas. As for the others, how many adults voluntarily
continue to study subjects which they were taught in schools, other
than those necessary for their employment or professions? Secondly,
the system itself is being run with increasing difficulty, as
evidenced by the fact that stress in teachers is now a common topic
for articles in the educational press.
Some answers to the other question 'Why?', will be offered in the
remainder of this chapter (CHAPTER 14), and in the next. p. 3
14.1 The number of those who believe that all is not well with our
educational institutions has lately increased from a few lonely
pioneers such as Rousseau, Dewey, Neill, Holt, and Goodman, to a
chorus including (at the time of writing) the British Prime Minister
and the Secretary of State for Education and Science. Not so long
ago, critics of compulsory schooling were regarded as a lunatic
fringe. Now, a senior university teacher of education (Richmond,
1975) can truthfully write that 'some of the best minds in the
business now share a sense of profound disillusion with the
established system of education and all it stands for'. Both the
former and the latter groups alike quote Einstein:
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern
methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy
curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from
stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it
goes to wrack and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake
to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be
promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty. To the
contrary, I believe that it would be possible to rob even a
healthy beast of its voraciousness, if it were possible, with
the aid of a whip, to force the beast to devour continuously,
even when not hungry, especially if the food handed out under
such coercion were to be selected accordingly.
Side by side with these criticisms of educational institutions,
there continues a firm belief in the value of education in itself,
both to individuals and to the community. This view is also implicit
in most of the present volume, from Chapter 1 onwards ( e.g. Sections
1.11 and 1.12); and especially at the end of Section 10.3:
We can now see how a positive-sum system of relationship of great
value can develop within a community where there is a suitable
balance between the achievement of completely new understanding
the hard way by particular individuals; the building up of
knowledge by learning from those who already know; the exchange
of expertise in many ways; and the raising of our overall level
of general knowledge. These processes together provide a
collective level and extent of knowledge, and thereby potential
for understanding, which is one of the major differences between
advanced and primitive cultures.
So what is wrong, and why? Where lies the discrepancy between
education as we strongly (though perhaps rather vaguely) it should
be, and education (or what goes under that name) as it is? And why?
To the question 'What is wrong?', two answers can be given in
brief. Firstly, the teaching itself is often inefficient. There are
still children who reach secondary schools unable to read, despite
six years of instruction in primary schools. And the teaching of
mathematics is such that many -- probably a majority -- acquire a
lifelong dislike for the subject, together with lack of confidence in
their ability to understand it. These are two of the most important
subject areas. As for the others, how many adults voluntarily
continue to study subjects which they were taught in schools, other
than those necessary for their employment or professions? Secondly,
the system itself is being run with increasing difficulty, as
evidenced by the fact that stress in teachers is now a common topic
for articles in the educational press.
Some answers to the other question 'Why?', will be offered in the
remainder of this chapter (CHAPTER 14), and in the next. p. 3
The communication of concepts (tanggapan-tanggapan)
The communication of concepts (tanggapan-tanggapan)
We can see that language (bahasa, penyalin) can be used to speed up
the formation of a concept (tanggapan, penyalin) by helping to
collect and separate contributory examples (contoh-contoh) and
non-examples. ... To begin with, let us choose a simple and
well-known concept, say red (merah, penyalin), and imagine that we
are asked the meaning (erti, penyalin) of this word by someone blind
from birth (buta sejak lahir), who has been given sight (penglihatan)
by a corneal graft. The meaning of a word (Erti sepatah kata,
penyalin) is the concept associated with that word; so our task is
now to enable the person to form the concept red (merah) (which he
does not have when we begin) and associate it with the word 'red
There are two ways in which we might do this. Being scientifically
inclined, and perhaps interested in colour photography, we could give
a definition (takrif, penyalin). 'Red (merah) is the colour we
experience from light of wavelength in the region of 0.6 microns.'
Would he now have the concept red? Of course not. Such a definition
would be useless to him, though not necessarily for other purposes.
Intuitively, in such a case, we would point to various objects and
say 'This is a red diary; this is a red tie; this is a red jumper...'
In this way we would arrange for him to have, close together in
time, a collection of experiences (pengalaman-pengalaman, penyalin)
from which we hope that he will abstract the common property, red
(merah). Naming is here used as an auxiliary, in the way already
described (di dalam perenggan-perenggan awal, penyalin). The same
process of abstraction (proses memujarad, penyalin) could take place
in silence, but probably more slowly; and the name (nama, penyalin)
would not become attached.
DDC ...
The Psychology of Learning Mathematics
The communication of concepts
pp. 24 - 25
Our starting-point is therefore that many human acts and activities
are goal-directed. Sometimes the goal (matlamat) is easily
identified, and the acts by which it is achieved are fairly
straightforward. Sometimes the goal is a distant one, and a person
may strive towards it by complex processes for much of a lifetime.
... All we need for a beginning is an acceptance that much of human
(and animal) behaviour is goal-directed; and that where this is the
case, this feature is central to our understanding of what they do.
DDC 370.152
pp. 2, 3
WA L-lahu A'alam
Yang Benar
We can see that language (bahasa, penyalin) can be used to speed up
the formation of a concept (tanggapan, penyalin) by helping to
collect and separate contributory examples (contoh-contoh) and
non-examples. ... To begin with, let us choose a simple and
well-known concept, say red (merah, penyalin), and imagine that we
are asked the meaning (erti, penyalin) of this word by someone blind
from birth (buta sejak lahir), who has been given sight (penglihatan)
by a corneal graft. The meaning of a word (Erti sepatah kata,
penyalin) is the concept associated with that word; so our task is
now to enable the person to form the concept red (merah) (which he
does not have when we begin) and associate it with the word 'red
There are two ways in which we might do this. Being scientifically
inclined, and perhaps interested in colour photography, we could give
a definition (takrif, penyalin). 'Red (merah) is the colour we
experience from light of wavelength in the region of 0.6 microns.'
Would he now have the concept red? Of course not. Such a definition
would be useless to him, though not necessarily for other purposes.
Intuitively, in such a case, we would point to various objects and
say 'This is a red diary; this is a red tie; this is a red jumper...'
In this way we would arrange for him to have, close together in
time, a collection of experiences (pengalaman-pengalaman, penyalin)
from which we hope that he will abstract the common property, red
(merah). Naming is here used as an auxiliary, in the way already
described (di dalam perenggan-perenggan awal, penyalin). The same
process of abstraction (proses memujarad, penyalin) could take place
in silence, but probably more slowly; and the name (nama, penyalin)
would not become attached.
DDC ...
The Psychology of Learning Mathematics
The communication of concepts
pp. 24 - 25
Our starting-point is therefore that many human acts and activities
are goal-directed. Sometimes the goal (matlamat) is easily
identified, and the acts by which it is achieved are fairly
straightforward. Sometimes the goal is a distant one, and a person
may strive towards it by complex processes for much of a lifetime.
... All we need for a beginning is an acceptance that much of human
(and animal) behaviour is goal-directed; and that where this is the
case, this feature is central to our understanding of what they do.
DDC 370.152
pp. 2, 3
WA L-lahu A'alam
Yang Benar
Ramadhan 8 1426/ Oktober 12 2005
WA L-lahu A'alam. Ini merupakan penyajian/ presentation yang dikira menepati syarat-syarat yang diletakkan. G/ M yang ada di dinding pesawat-pesawat FOUGA Magister kepunyaan Tentera Udara Finland (Finnish Air Force) itu dipilih kerana ianya dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar, sementara pesawat-pesawat FM-43 maupun FM-82 mewakili FOUGA Magister yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan SAAB Safir untuk tujuan latihan seseorang juruterbang jet FOLLAND Gnat Tentera Udara Finland pada suatu masa dulu. G/ M kemudiannya dibawa menurut kupasan Richard R. Skemp di dalam karyanya, "Intelligence, Learning, and Action". SAAB Safir, FOUGA Magister, dan FOLLAND Gnat pula diketengahkan semula di dalam ayat " ... Training aircraft are mostly jets, ... flying instructions. ..." yang terdapat di dalam Encyclopaedia Britannica (1980). Ayat ini terdapat di dalam makalah yang ditempatkan bersebelahan "Airforces/ Tentera-tentera udara" di dalam Section/ Seksyen 544 Propaedia (terbitan sebelum 1985). Di dalam seksyen itulah ditempatkan " Organisation of Islamic Conference/ Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam " sebagai "International and non-national organisations and agencies/ Organisasi-organisasi dan agensi-agensi antarabangsa dan bukan kebangsaan". Ayat A l-Quranu l-Karim yang disertakan di dalam logo OIC ialah " Wa'tashimu bi HablI L-lahi jami'a wa la tafarraqu; ..." Wa l-hasil, ini merupakan suatu cubaan meringankan usaha yang dicurahkan oleh sesiapa yang memilih membina dan menyenggara sistem penuntun ini (an attempt to help facilitate the effort put in by anyone who chooses to construct and maintain this director system).
Encyclopaedia Britannica (1995) Propaedia: Outline of Knowledge/ Rangka Ilmu pengetahuanPart Five: Human society/ Belahan Lima: Masyarakat insanSection/ Seksyen 544. International Relations: Peace and War/ Hubungan Antarabangsa: Damai and PerangA.The politics of international relations/ Politik hubungan antarabangsa2. International and non-national organisations and agencies/ Organisasi-organisasi dan agensi-agensi antarabangsa dan bukan kebangsaan, Organisation of Islamic Conference/ Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam"Wa'tashimu bi HablI L-lahi jami'a, wa la tafarraqu; ..." (And hold you fast to God's bond, together, and do not scatter; ...)E.3.c.iii. Air forces/ Tentera-tentera udara ... Training aircraft are mostly jets, although a few piston-engined aircraft are sometimes used in the most elementary stages of flying instructions. ... / ... Pesawat-pesawat latihan kebanyakannya adalah pesawat-pesawat jet, walaupun sebilangan kecil pesawat-pesawat enjin piston ada kalanya digunakan di tahap-tahap permulaan pengajaran penerbangan. ... -- Encyclopaedia Brita nnica (1980), Macropaedia Vol. 1, p.391 p. 3
FM-82/M FM-43/G
Monday, December 05, 2005

Bismi 4JJl r-RaHmani r-RaHim.
Kita semua memaklumi di antara Bahasa Melayu dan the English Language dapat kita menempatkan patah-patah kata tertentu dengan certain words: lantai - floor, ais - ice, hujan - rain, terbang - fly, dan sebagainya. Daripada permulaan begini, apa kata kita ayun langkah seterusnya ... sehingga tempat yang kita sampai kelak melampaui dugaan kita selama hari ini. Mudah-mudahan kita berpeluang menempatkan patah kata 'mendamaikan' bersebelahan dengan the word 're-concile'. Untuk tujuan ini, karya Mendiang Profesor Richard R. Skemp berjudul 'Intelligence, Learning, and Action' dan jilid Propaedia di dalam Encyclopaedia Britannica Edisi ke-15 dijadikan rujukan bersama. Saya berharap dengan ini kiriman saudara-saudara ke sini memuatkan tinjauan, ulasan, malah kemusykilan yang dicatat sewaktu bahan rujukan di atas dipegang. Memadailah alu-aluan saya seringkas ini.

Labels: Alu-aluan, Bahasa Melayu, English Language