The practical importance of structured knowledge (ilmu pengetahuan berstruktur), as a foundation for relational understanding (asas untuk pengertian bertali-temali), was well put by a mature student at the Polytechnic of the South Bank, after a talk given there about relational and instrumental understanding (pengertian bertali-temali dan bunyi-bunyian). He said, ‘Instrumental understanding (pengertian bunyi-bunyian), which is what I was given at school, only enabled me to deal with yesterday’s technology (teknologi semalam). This is why I’ve had to come back to college and take evening classes, to get the relational understanding (pengertian bertali-temali) which will enable me to cope with the technology of the future (teknologi masa depan).’
This student had become aware of the inadequacy of learning (ketempangan pembelajaran) which does not go beyond the memorizing of facts and rules (menghafal fakta-fakta dan petua-petua), ...
This prologue first appeared in 1976, as an article in the journal Mathematics Teaching. It has since been reproduced three times, and read and discussed in three continents. During this time the terms ‘relational understanding’ and ‘instrumental understanding’ have become part of the language of mathematics education. It is hoped that present readers too will find these ideas a helpful starting point for their own thinking. (Sejak itu makalah ini telah diterbitkan semula tiga kali, dan dibaca dan dibincangkan di tiga buah benua. Pada waktu tersebut, istilah-istilah 'pengertian bertali-temali' dan 'pengertian bunyi-bunyian' telah menjadi sebahagian daripada bahasa pendidikan ilmu hisab. Adalah diharap para pembaca sekarang juga akan mendapati idea-idea ini suatu titik mulaan buat membantu mereka berfikir.)
In a discussion of Chapter 15 in "Intelligence, Learning, and Action": Schooling and Education, with a group of experienced teachers, ... "In your job, instrumental understanding (pengertian bunyi-bunyian)is not enough; so even if I (Richard Skemp) knew the answer I would be reluctant to give it to you. Relational understanding (pengertian bertali-temali) is what I am offering, and with the help of this you can become master of your profession."

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