On Page 180 of Professor Richard R. Skemp's Volume 4(M) of "UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICS", in an exercise on Ratio and Scale, the following words appeared in Question 10: A model is made of the fuselage of an aircraft, to a scale of 1:40. (Incidentally, in Yang Benar's correspondence with the Late Professor, in mid 1980's, since the copyrights was back in his hands, he readily granted Yang Benar permission to have his UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICS translated into Bahasa Melayu.) On Page 49, in Figure 12 of the book to be mentioned in the following sentence, (G) -- the initial letter of the word, Goal -- first appeared. During one of Yang Benar's trips to Pekanbuku in Universiti Malaya, sometime in 1982, he laid his hands on a copy of Skemp's "Intelligence, Learning, and Action: A Foundation for Theory and Practice in Education". Earlier on, at the same venue, "The Psychology of Learning Mathematics" authored by him caught Yang Benar's attention. The publisher was kind enough to forward a letter posted -- by who else? - - to the publisher's contact address, to Professor Skemp, who was then still teaching at The University of Warwick. He was a Professor of Educational Theory at that university. (He had associates at universities in Israel, he -- as well as his views expressed in a published article on Relational Understanding (as opposed to Instrumental Understanding) -- was welcome there, and elsewhere; Yang Benar decided to strike on his own.) It was on the Internet that he came to know that Professor Emeritus Richard R. Skemp had passed away in 1995. JammalahumU L-lah. Should anybody ask what significance does "July 23" hold? It was on this date, in 1952, that the first flight of this French jet trainer -- Fouga Magister -- was recorded. In mid 1950's, this aircraft earned NATO's recommendation. Belgium, Germany, and Finland joined in to procure this jet trainer to provide the exposure necessary to trainees preparing to pilot jet fighters in service with the nations' air forces. (So did Israel!) Andaikata siri buku UNDERSTANDING MATHEMATICS -- yang hak menterjemahnya telahpun diberi oleh Profesor Emeritus Richard R. Skemp lewat sepucuk surat, semasa hayatnya -- dibawa di dalam Bahasa Melayu, beginilah laluan yang diharap berpeluang ditempuh oleh sesiapa yang menelaah jilid demi jilid buku tersebut. Diharap benar wajar pembelajaran sebudi akal (intelligent learning) -- yang menurut Skemp (1979) ... is certainly at the heart of education (pendidikan) -- diberi tempat sebagai hajat sesiapa sahaja di dalam zikir sewaktu IA meneguk air Zamzam: "A L-lahumma innahu balaghani anna RasulA L-lah s.'a.w. Qala: Ma u Zamzama li ma syuribalah. A L-lahumma wa inni asyrabuhu li taghfirali au li taf'ala bi kaza wa kaza faghfirli au if'al." Profesor Dr. Hasbi A sh-Shiddiqi: Tuhan-ku, bahwasanya sampai khabar kepadaku bahwasanya RasulU L-lah s.'a.w. bersabda: Air Zamzam untuk yang diminumkan baginya. Tuhanku, aku meminumnya untuk Engkau Ampuni dosaku, atau untuk Engkau Perbuat terhadap diriku ... , maka Ampunilah akan daku atau Penuhilah hajatku ... Kepada cogankata 'Belajar' yang diterima sebagai suatu ketetapan di dalam Ijtima' Ke-2 A l-'Ulum A sy-Syari'ah, yang diadakan pada April 11 1952, usul menambah '... sebudi akal' dapatlah dibawa: Cogankata yang dibawa sebagai usul setelah 58 tahun berselang ialah: 'Belajar -- sebudi akal --, dan Bergerak'. http://www.sbap.be/fouga/photo.htm Yang Benar fully acknowledge that he cannot do without images on web pages such as that found when one checks this URL out! They are simply indispensable. Again, JammalahumU L-lah. And to all of Yang Benar's loved ones: JazakumU L-lah. http://www.grahamtall.co.uk/skemp/sail/pdfs/sail1complete.pdf `http://www.grahamtall.co.uk/skemp/sail/pdfs/sail2complete.pdf | ||
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