G --->--- M
I J K L (M) Ğ H I' [Bahasa Melayu (rumi)]

Section 9.20
In this case two things, both of them proportions, remain the same (or almost so) between notes. Taking a simple case, suppose that the main harmonics present have frequencies of 3, 5, 7, 9 times the fundamental. These are called the 3rd., 5th., 7th., 9th.harmonics, the first harmonic being the fundamental itself. If the note sounded is i, the actual frequencies heard will be (for this example):
256 768 1280 1792 2304
For the note m, the actual frequencies would be:
384 1152 1920 2688 3456
But both of these sets of four frequencies are in the same proportion as:
1 3 5 7 9
and it is the proportion, not the actual frequencies, which we are able to recognize as remaining the same. This is the first part of what we recognize as timbre.